Date 2021-01-09 - 2021-01-10
Time 0900
Location Virtual Delivery
Organizer Medic Sense

Our next A-EMCA Preparation event will be an online virtual delivery!

The Advanced Emergency Medical Care Assistant (A-EMCA) examination is the Ministry of Health certification exam required to practice as a Primary Care Paramedic in Ontario. The exam is a full day and will test applicants on pathology, physiology, medical-legal, anatomy, and protocols learned through the PCP College program. We at Medic Sense want to give you a full review and go through practice questions and answer any other concerns you may have as the date for your examination approaches! Our team is all A-EMCA Certified and Base Hospital certified paramedics, who continually update our course content to ensure that we are covering the most up-to-date information and giving you everything you need to ensure your success in this stressful event.